Jumaat, 6 Disember 2013

Kacang Tanah Bantu Mencegah Pelbagai Penyakit.

New Message on DKTM

Kacang Tanah Bantu Mencegah Pelbagai Penyakit.


heheh..bean memang sodap!!!

>From: "DKTM" <dktm@groups.msn.com>
>Reply-To: "DKTM" <dktm@groups.msn.com>
>To: "DKTM" <dktm@groups.msn.com>
>Subject: Kacang Tanah Bantu Mencegah Pelbagai Penyakit.
>Date: Wed, 29 Dec 2004 08:24:42 -0800
>We attempted to deliver this message to you with HTML formatting. However,
>your e-mail program does not support HTML-enhanced messages. Please go to
>your E-mail Settings for this group and change your E-mail Preference to
>"Text only".
>MSN Groups

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